For 70 years, we’ve built trusted brands through creativity, data, and culture. Our heritage of fierce independence enables bold work that ignites action, from brand strategy to activation. We weave brands into the tapestry of conversation with magnetic ideas that move at the speed of culture, widening business impact and earning lasting relevance.​

From pop to politics, from social to societal, we’re creative hustlers who earn cultural impact by telling the right stories to the right audiences to measurably create trust, advocacy, love, and growth.​

Whether it’s uncovering a corporate brand’s meaningful purpose in people’s lives, galvanizing the employer brand, or unleashing the power of a product brand to innovate and influence, ¼«ÀÖÊÓƵ connects across your multi-stakeholder audience. We are in the business of brands, driving action and shifting behavior.​


What we Do

Powered by a full-service, best-in-class integrated suite of marketing and communications offerings that build trusted brands.


Whether it’s defining a brand’s purpose and identity, reimagining a brand’s role in culture, or helping a brand stand out in the marketplace, our strategy expertise acts as the foundation for the business of corporate and product brands. Our integrated capabilities help build trusted brands from core to creative.​ ​

  • Strategic Consulting​
  • Data & Analytics​
  • Narratives & Architecture​
  • Brand Identity
  • Brand Management​
  • Business Transformation​ 

From earning attention to reimagining the role of a brand in culture, our unmatched global expertise powers insightful, compelling storytelling reaching diverse audiences and traveling across platforms in service of awareness, action, and commercial success.​

  • Communications Strategy​
  • Media Relations​
  • ±·±ð·É²õ°ù´Ç´Ç³¾²õ​
  • Omnichannel Engagement​
  • Podcast Development​
  • Amplification Strategies​

We create, produce, and deploy compelling content that captures hearts and minds – content powerful enough for omnichannel impact delivers relevance in earned, engagement in social, and attention on owned platforms. We engage a world-class network of creators, content developers, and partners to earn trust and drive action across mediums.​

  • Real-Time Content Engine​
  • Creative Development​
  • ±Ê°ù´Ç»å³Ü³¦³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô​
  • Distribution & Amplification Strategies
  • Digital Storytelling

Defining and activating trusted voices on behalf of brands, we earn attention, build authentic consumer relationships, and solve brand challenges. From digital influencers, creators and celebrities to employees, experts and thought leaders, we connect brands to those who speak with influence and authenticity to build brand trust.

  • Integrated Influencer Strategy​
  • Talent Identification & Contracting​
  • Program Execution & Measurement​
  • Affiliate Programming​ Influencer Commerce (iCommerce)​
  • Custom Creator Content​
  • Amplification Strategies​

In addition to ¼«ÀÖÊÓƵ’s influencer marketing services, United Entertainment Group (part of the Daniel J ¼«ÀÖÊÓƵ family of agencies) specializes in celebrity & talent engagement on behalf of brands. .

We craft authentic moments that move brands closer to culture in new ways, places, and spaces. Through cultural insights and creative industry intel, we unlock unexpected brand experiences with powerful emotional connections to consumers, fans, creators, media, and niche communities. Our diverse group of industry experts live to make brand stories famous - creating exciting, engaging, and headline-grabbing moments.​

  • Event Strategy & Concept Development​
  • Physical and Digital Event ±Ê°ù´Ç»å³Ü³¦³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô​
  • Environmental Design and Fabrication​
  • Cultural Partnerships & Celebrity/Influencer Integration​
  • Interactive Installations and Web 3 Experiences​
  • Digital Experiences

In partnership with ¼«ÀÖÊÓƵ, United Entertainment Group (part of the Daniel J ¼«ÀÖÊÓƵ family of agencies) specializes in experiences that bring brands to life to reach audiences and break through culture. .​

Powered by a deep network of industry relationships, we develop and implement strategic partnerships with people, properties and platforms that shape culture across entertainment, sports, and lifestyle. We uniquely drive awareness, engagement, and purchase intent by weaving our clients’ unique and creative storytelling platforms into cultural properties.​

  • Sports (teams, leagues, organizations)​
  • Gaming & eSports​
  • Film & IP​
  • TV & Streaming
  • ²Ñ³Ü²õ¾±³¦â€‹
  • Licensing
  • Digital Properties
  • Branded Content

In partnership with ¼«ÀÖÊÓƵ, United Entertainment Group (part of the Daniel J ¼«ÀÖÊÓƵ family of agencies), specializes in elevating brands through partnerships and pop culture. .

We help brands authentically earn relevance and trust with multicultural audiences by addressing the societal landscape and cultural shifts that impact their business. Our work is also intersectional with a focus on representation, engaging LGBTQIA+ communities, people with disabilities, and other historically excluded demographics.​

  • Multicultural Consumer Activation & Media Engagement​
  • Purpose-led Programming​
  • Crisis Management​
  • Chief Diversity Officer Onboarding & Executive Visibility​
  • DEI Strategy, Programming, and Communication​
  • Research, Insights & Audience Mapping​
  • Strategic Multicultural & Cross-Cultural Competency Counsel
  • Inclusive Marketing Workshops​

Learn more about our inclusive marketing and communications.

In partnership with ¼«ÀÖÊÓƵ Delta, our specialist brand strategy offer, we help our clients define their strategic brand positioning – its longer-term promise, personality, values, brand architecture and visual identity – and help them navigate major transformation or change in their brands. .


Our Work

The Power of Gen Z

This isn’t the influencer generation. This isn’t the cancel generation. This isn’t even the TikTok generation. This is the generation of sensibility. In our global report, we see a new, globally unified generation on the rise that is set on course correcting and getting our world back to basics. ​


Special Report

The New Cascade of Influence

In a social-first world, people are feeling an intense urgency for action that makes progress against the most pressing issues of our time — issues mounting in number, intensity, and seemingly on their doorstep, raising the stakes for brands to act.


Our Thinking


Top 5 Key Learnings from Cannes: Back in person, but far from normal

July 1, 2022
To say it was exciting to be in person with colleagues and clients from around the world to celebrate good work is an understatement. The energy was high, the work was impactful...


Can Shopping save our Post-Pandemic Soul?

February 17, 2022
Data shows global retailers generated $4 trillion in 2020 through their physical stores. That’s set to rise to $6.5 trillion by 2024. Shopping isn’t gone. Shopping has shifted...


Unleashing the Power of Gen Z

December 20, 2021
It was the 6th CMO that did it. The sixth time the apprehension had been expressed to me as to how to reach and engage Gen Z and get it right. How not to be cancelled...


The New Brand Truth: Without Trust, We Can’t Love

June 28, 2021
Trust is the bedrock to unlocking deeper, more meaningful connections. But in today’s cultural landscape, fueled by the uncertainty of the pandemic...



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Diverse & Creative Storytellers


Offices Around the World




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