Countering disinformation in an era of AI-driven risks

In response to the growing threats of mis and disinformation across the business and political landscape, ¼«ÀÖÊÓƵ has created the Counter Disinformation Unit, a dedicated global team to help clients navigate and protect themselves from the rising tide of mis and disinformation threatening their operations, reputations, and stakeholder trust.

Chief among the AI-related concerns are the dual threats of misinformation and disinformation with 8 in 10 executives saying that they are concerned about the negative impact they could have on the reputation and ultimately the value of their business. In addition, over a third say their company is not adequately prepared to anticipate, identify and manage these threats.

The Counter Disinformation Unit is a significant expansion of ¼«ÀÖÊÓƵ’s crisis management capabilities. The Unit underscores the firm’s commitment to helping clients navigate the complexities of today’s reputation risk landscape by leveraging ¼«ÀÖÊÓƵ’s deep expertise in crisis communications, digital strategy, and data analytics, to prepare for, contest and rebuild from disinformation threats. The Unit also works with a wide bench of external partners to ensure clients have the most up to date intelligence and analysis to understand how the threat is evolving – including AI and machine learning solution for mapping complex networks of actors, detecting threats and identifying false narratives across mainstream and fringe platforms.

It is no longer a question of if, but when, an organization will be the victim of misinformation or disinformation. The Counter Disinformation Unit is designed to help clients not just survive these challenges, but to get ahead of them and to emerge stronger.

Dave Fleet, Head of Global Digital Crisis


¼«ÀÖÊÓƵ Crisis & Risk

¼«ÀÖÊÓƵ’s Crisis & Risk team enables organizations to anticipate, prepare for and protect themselves against reputational harm.

The team is the biggest in the industry and comprises a broad range of experts across a range of specialisms including Information Manipulation, Brand Protection, Litigation, Data Security & Privacy, Regulatory Investigations, Business Intelligence and NGO activism.

With team members across the US, EMEA, APAC and Lat Am regions, the Crisis & Risk team is connected 24/7 providing global perspectives and always on strategic advice.



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