To loudly and proudly re-launch the TAZO brand, we staged an intervention for the entire tea category in the form of Camp TAZO: a real overnight camp for adults, meticulously designed to help anyone break out of their everyday routines and explore the unexpected.
Led by inaugural Camp Director Alyssa Edwards – acclaimed drag star and a cultural figure with their own unexpected journey – Camp TAZO was an open invitation for anyone who needed a get outside of their comfort zone with help from a mentor with a lifetime of experience. The three-day event brought together 30 campers and select media to participate in a combination of meaningful and playful camp-style activities designed to help them get out of their comfort zones and reconnect with their personal identities – all the while encouraging everyone to truly be themselves.
Following Alyssa’s lead, campers took part in activities like improv classes, axe throwing, dance classes, campfire sing-a-longs, and a talent show – all of which encouraged them to explore new elements of themselves – and all embracing the sentiment of the brand's late founder, Steven Smith, who dedicated his life to traveling the world and uncovering and creating unique blends of tea with surprise and delight in every cup.

The Impact
- 149 earned placements
- 600+ MM earned and social impressions
- 100% positive sentiment across all campaign coverage
- +429% increase in Brand Appreciation mentions on Instagram, with consumers praising TAZO for being so bold
- 2+ MM launch video views